Hi, I’m Tanya!

  • Independent data consultant, specializing in data analysis and visualization design
  • Previously worked in insurance industry
  • Fell in love with R via #TidyTuesday
  • Data geek based in St. Pete, FL

Data Viz Learning Journey

Started off with building visuals in R. Then I wanted to get into more interactive visuals…

Actual footage of me stressing out.
  • What is node.js?
  • What is D3? And svg?
  • What IDE should I use?
  • Omg where do I start

A Less Intimidating Way to Start…

Observable Notebooks = my new playground for data viz experiments

Going from overwhelmed to excited
  • No fuss with installation
  • Accessible community, lots of resources
  • Observable Plot felt familiar
  • Integrate easily with my Quarto site

What is Observable Plot?

  • Free and open-source JS library for data viz

  • Under the hood - D3!

  • Inspired by the grammar of graphics

  • Create visuals with layered marks

  • Combine with inputs to create interactive plots

Example of Observable Plot

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Goals for Today

Learn about Observable Notebooks
Work with Observable Plot
Add in dynamic inputs
Combine Observable with Quarto

Let’s Get Plotting!

Reroute to this Observable Notebook.

To The Notebook!